Monday, September 26, 2011

Benefits of Massage
·     Increase blood flow throughout the body; moving blood and other nutrients throughout the body.

·     Stimulate the Lymphatic system; moving toxins and waste quicker out of the body

·     Encourage muscles to release tension and reducing pain

·     Relaxation

·     Repairs muscle tissue from workouts

·     Improves muscle function and encourages peak performance for athletes.

·     Reduces joint pain and improve range of motion.

·     Overall maintenance for the body for optimal level of function possible 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Consider Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is one of the earliest forms of healing recorded; dating as far back as the Ancient Egyptians. This form of therapy is still practiced today to promote health and balancing. Massage Therapy is not only used as a form 
of treatment but also prevention; boosting the immune system and creating larger range of motion.

Massage Therapy can benefit a variety of people. Each session is customized to cater to each needs and concerns. Your goals can be met whether your session is for injury, relaxation, or specific energy work.

Regular massage therapy sessions are beneficial to overall wellness. Look at each session as scheduled time to maintain the body. You care for your vehicle on a regular basis? Now care for the real means of movement…your body!